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SKU: HDSPe RayDAT Kategorije: , Oznaka:

36 Inputs / 36 Outputs
4 x ADAT I/O (up to 192 kHz via S/MUX4)
1 x AES/EBU I/O (192 kHz)
1 x SPDIF I/O (192 kHZ)
2 x MIDI I/O
optional: Time Code Option (TCO)
optional: Expansion Board WCM
optional: Expansion Board TEB

HDSPe RayDAT is a multi-channel, multi-format and multi-task tool in stunning professional quality, the ideal solution from recording up to the final mastering. For the first time, even SPDIF (phono) and AES/EBU (XLR) are simultaneously operational due to separated hardware and record/playback devices. RayDAT offers no less than 4 x ADAT optical I/O, SPDIF I/O and AES/EBU I/O. That’s a whopping 36 channels of inputs and outputs. On top, there are 2 MIDI I/Os and TotalMix, RME’s unsurpassed DSP-based real-time mixer/router, with hardware-calculated level metering and complete MIDI remote capability. HDSPe RayDAT also supports the optional TCO for synchronization to timecode (LTC/video).

Internal ADAT inputs and outputs allow to add up to two TDIF ports directly inside the computer via RME’s optional expansion boards.

HDSPe RayDAT is the newly developed PCI Express version of the HDSP 9652. A genuine PCI Express core consequently takes full advantage of the new format, achieving significant performance gains in multitrack audio. Thanks to RME’s secure flash update technology, firmware improvements, adjustments, and bugfixes can be installed easily at any time.

HDSPe RayDAT includes SteadyClockTM, RME’s own clock technology, combining professional features like maximum jitter suppression at full varipitch capabilities and software controlled sample rates. Included software:

DIGICheck for Windows: Spectral Analyser, professional level meter for 2, 8, or 36 channels, Vector Audio Scope, various other audio analysis tools.

Drivers: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/64 (full ASIO multi-client operation of WDM, GSIF 2.1 and ASIO 2.0), Mac OS X Intel (Core Audio and Core MIDI).


RME Audio