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Flexible room reverb w/ movable mics

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        Visconti/Bowie Inspired Triple Reverb
                 A Room of Your Own
                 Developed with legendary producer, musician, and engineer Tony Visconti, Tverb provides an extremely customizable room reverb with some unique techniques and features. Within this virtual room (modeled on the legendary Meistersaal at Berlin’s Hansa Tonstudios) you can mix three virtual channels: one main mic with subtle ambience and two moveable mics capturing the lush room reverb.
                 Near & Far
                 Tverb is a reverb unlike any other. Start with a perfect room and configure it to taste by adjusting the standard reverb controls of decay, diffusion, and EQ to create the ambience that brings your tracks to life. Now, place a couple of additional microphones anywhere in that room. Move them around until the track sits perfectly in your mix. Set the mics’ gates to open with the dynamics of the track. Tverb gives you control of all of these parameters and more. And, because Tverb is algorithmic, you can do it all in real-time (which wouldn’t be possible with a convolution reverb). You can even have your mics dance around the room in real-time. Impossible in real life; a snap in Tverb.
                 Open the Gates
                 With analog-modeled compression on the main channel and gating on the reverb channels, Tverb is a unique tool for audio with wide dynamic range. The inspiration for the plug-in was the setup Visconti used to capture the incredible dynamic range of David Bowie’s vocals while recording “Heroes.” Tverb builds on Visconti’s technique and opens up undreamed of possibilities.
                 “Little did I know that setting up three microphones in a very specific configuration 40 years ago would result in such a versatile plug-in for the new age of recording. Eventide’s Tverb is the result of a two-year collaboration between Eventide and me. This is not a one-trick-pony just to get the David Bowie ‘Heroes’ vocal effect. The applications are limitless. I love the dancing microphones.” – Tony Visconti
              version:   macOS 10.9+, Intel and Apple Silicon
              internet required:   no
              version:   Windows 8+
              internet required:   no
        trial:   no
        feature: 2 Moveable microphones to adjust depth of field and room reflections
                 Adjustable polar patterns for microphone 1 to adjust the amount of ambient room tone
                 Eventide’s complex reverb algorithm with EQ, diffusion, and decay control
                 Compressor module on microphone 1, just as Visconti had in the original session
                 2 linkable, post-reverb gate modules with control of when the gates close, the speed at which they close, and the length of time they are forced to stay open
                 Console (inspired by the one used in the session, including Visconti’s ‘grease pencil’ labelling) that provides post-reverb channel processing for each individual mic and the master
                 Room mixer module alters the sound of the room itself with control over decay, diffusion, and frequency response
                 Light weight! Low CPU loading allows you to put Tverb on multiple tracks
                 Signal inversion buttons to remove (or create) phase cancellation
                 Mix Lock allows for scrolling through presets or settings while keeping the wet/dry mix constant
                 Complete automation support
        licensing methods: 
        platforms: mac

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Proizvodjac rackmount multi-efekta digitalnih reverba i deleja od 1971, a u skorije vrijeme i odlicnog EFX softvera.